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Wisdom Teeth Specialist

Gentle Touch Dental PC

General Dentistry & Cosmetic Dentistry located in Falls Church, VA

Are you or your child’s wisdom teeth coming in, causing crowding, pain, and discomfort? If so, they may need to be extracted. Fortunately, Francisco Rodriguez, DMD, and the team at Gentle Touch Dental PC specialize in performing extractions with limited amounts of discomfort. To learn more, call the office in Falls Church, Virginia, or book an appointment online today.

Wisdom Teeth Q & A

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third and last set of molars that grow into your upper and lower jaws. Usually, your wisdom teeth grow in between the ages of 17 and 25, which is why dentists call them “wisdom teeth.”

What do wisdom teeth do?

When they come in properly, wisdom teeth help you chew. However, they often don’t grow in the right way. Some of the most common reasons that wisdom teeth don’t come in properly include:


Impacted wisdom teeth come in at an angle, or are tilted in your jaw. Because of a lack of space, some impacted wisdom teeth can’t erupt through the gum line at all. 

Impacted wisdom teeth press against the teeth in front of them, causing pain or even leading to cysts on or near those teeth.

Partial coverage

Some wisdom teeth don’t come all the way through and instead emerge only partially through your gums. This stresses your gums, causing swelling and pain or a type of infection known as pericoronitis. 

Because they expose your gums, partially covered wisdom teeth also make it easier for food and bacteria to work their way underneath your gums. There, food and bacteria can cause infection and cavities.

How can you tell if you need to remove your wisdom teeth?

As your wisdom teeth come in, you’ll feel discomfort, like teething. You can manage the mild or short-term pain from your wisdom teeth erupting with an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen, and an antibacterial mouthwash or a saltwater gargle.

Sometimes though, these solutions aren’t enough, and your best option is to have Gentle Touch PC extract your wisdom teeth.

Schedule an appointment to get your wisdom teeth examined if you experience any symptoms like:

  • The inability to open your mouth without pain
  • Tooth decay
  • Severe pain
  • Pain that doesn’t subside after a few weeks
  • Adjacent tooth damage
  • The appearance of cysts

Also, schedule a visit if you suspect you’ve developed a tooth infection.

Do wisdom teeth extractions hurt?

To make sure you have minimal pain, and that you’re relaxed throughout the entire procedure, the practice offers local anesthesia, a sedative, or general anesthesia. 

Since sedation is possible, always bring someone with you to drive you home after the procedure.

If emerging wisdom teeth are causing you grief, call the office or book an appointment online.